How to write an essay on sterotypes

How to write an essay on sterotypes

The first thing that you should ask yourself when writing such an article is the meaning of stereotypes. The word ‘stereotype’ is quite popular since it is used in various contexts to identify individuals that prefer or judge other things and people based on their inherent qualities. But what does the word mean?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines stereotypes as:

  • A fixed notion that many individuals have about a group or a thing that may be false or partly true.
  • An untrue and unfair belief that numerous people share about all individuals or objects with specific characteristics.
  • An unfair belief that all persons or objects with particular characteristics are similar.
  • A biased or oversimplified mental picture that people hold to characterize the individuals who belong to a particular group.

Stereotypes also involve a description of traits, interests, abilities, expected behavior roles and physical characteristics.

The definitions above show that the topic on stereotypes is extensive. Our society tends to characterize people based on their looks, their color, their weight, their abilities, their heritage, their beliefs, their gender, and their actions. How then can one write an essay on sterotypes?

It is simple.It is simple.

  • Firstly, understand the meaning of the word. The definitions listed above provide a clear understanding of what the word means.
  • Secondly, make a list of the various stereotypes. It will help you to comprehend that stereotypes involve oversimplified opinions, uncritical judgments’, and prejudiced attitudes that people have towards other individuals. Some of the stereotypes involve gender, race, age, weight, academic capabilities, intelligence, hair color, etc. For instance:
  • A stereotype on gender portrays women as a weaker sex
  • A stereotype on weight shows heavy individuals as lazy or generous while thin people as anorexic
  • A stereotype on hair color views blondes as stupid while brunettes are smart
  • A stereotype on age regards the old as wise and teenagers as rebellious.

There are also stereotypes at the workplace. Your list will give ideas on what to include in your essay.

  • Thirdly, understand the reasons for stereotypes. What makes people judge others based on various qualities. What is the origin of some of these stereotypes? For instance, why are women viewed as a weaker sex? Why are teenagers assumed to be rebellious?
  • Fourthly, comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of stereotypes. For instance what benefits do people achieve by categorizing others based on specific qualities? What are the disadvantages associated with stereotypes? An advantage may be that stereotypes help explain certain attributes depicted by certain individuals. For example, the rebellious attitude by some teenagers keeps parents at ease knowing that it is due to age and not because of poor parenting. One disadvantage is that it causes a rift between individuals.
  • Fifthly, provide recommendations on how to deal with stereotypes to prevent the various disadvantages.

These points will make it easier to write your essay since they provide content and a flow of your essay.

You should start writing your essay You should start writing your essay after you are confident that you understand the topic.

Follow the following format:

  • Introduction: It should be interesting to capture your readers’ attention. It should have various definitions of stereotypes and your perception of stereotypes. It should have a thesis statement that shows your stand on stereotypes.
  • Body: it should contain examples of stereotypes, the reasons for stereotypes, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with stereotypes. You should write different points in different paragraphs. For instance examples, reasons, disadvantages, and advantages should all be in different paragraphs. Remember to use the correct paragraph structure and sentence structure.
  • Recommendations: explain the various recommendations for dealing with stereotypes.
  • A conclusion that summates the major points of the essay.

Remember to use the third person unless your teacher instructs you otherwise. You should also be keen on the word limit, proper use of grammar and avoid grammar mistakes. Also employ the specific style as instructed be it the APA, MLA, HARVARD or any other style. Guidelines on writing an essay on sterotypes that adequately address the subject.It is easier to identify a stereotype than writing about them because the topic is quite extensive. The following article provides a guide on writing an essay on sterotypes.

How to write an essay on sterotypes

The first thing that you should ask yourself when writing such an article is the meaning of stereotypes. The word ‘stereotype’ is quite popular since it is used in various contexts to identify individuals that prefer or judge other things and people based on their inherent qualities. But what does the word mean?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines stereotypes as:

  • A fixed notion that many individuals have about a group or a thing that may be false or partly true.
  • An untrue and unfair belief that numerous people share about all individuals or objects with specific characteristics.
  • An unfair belief that all persons or objects with particular characteristics are similar.
  • A biased or oversimplified mental picture that people hold to characterize the individuals who belong to a particular group.

Stereotypes also involve a description of traits, interests, abilities, expected behavior roles and physical characteristics.

The definitions above show that the topic on stereotypes is extensive. Our society tends to characterize people based on their looks, their color, their weight, their abilities, their heritage, their beliefs, their gender, and their actions. How then can one write an essay on sterotypes?

It is simple.

  • Firstly, understand the meaning of the word. The definitions listed above provide a clear understanding of what the word means.
  • Secondly, make a list of the various stereotypes. It will help you to comprehend that stereotypes involve oversimplified opinions, uncritical judgments’, and prejudiced attitudes that people have towards other individuals. Some of the stereotypes involve gender, race, age, weight, academic capabilities, intelligence, hair color, etc. For instance:
  • A stereotype on gender portrays women as a weaker sex
  • A stereotype on weight shows heavy individuals as lazy or generous while thin people as anorexic
  • A stereotype on hair color views blondes as stupid while brunettes are smart
  • A stereotype on age regards the old as wise and teenagers as rebellious.

There are also stereotypes at the workplace. Your list will give ideas on what to include in your essay.

  • Thirdly, understand the reasons for stereotypes. What makes people judge others based on various qualities. What is the origin of some of these stereotypes? For instance, why are women viewed as a weaker sex? Why are teenagers assumed to be rebellious?
  • Fourthly, comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of stereotypes. For instance what benefits do people achieve by categorizing others based on specific qualities? What are the disadvantages associated with stereotypes? An advantage may be that stereotypes help explain certain attributes depicted by certain individuals. For example, the rebellious attitude by some teenagers keeps parents at ease knowing that it is due to age and not because of poor parenting. One disadvantage is that it causes a rift between individuals.
  • Fifthly, provide recommendations on how to deal with stereotypes to prevent the various disadvantages.

These points will make it easier to write your essay since they provide content and a flow of your essay.

You should start writing your essay after you are confident that you understand the topic.

Follow the following format:

  • Introduction: It should be interesting to capture your readers’ attention. It should have various definitions of stereotypes and your perception of stereotypes. It should have a thesis statement that shows your stand on stereotypes.
  • Body: it should contain examples of stereotypes, the reasons for stereotypes, and the advantages and disadvantages associated with stereotypes. You should write different points in different paragraphs. For instance examples, reasons, disadvantages, and advantages should all be in different paragraphs. Remember to use the correct paragraph structure and sentence structure.
  • Recommendations: explain the various recommendations for dealing with stereotypes.
  • A conclusion that summates the major points of the essay.

Remember to use the third person unless your teacher instructs you otherwise. You should also be keen on the word limit, proper use of grammar and avoid grammar mistakes. Also employ the specific style as instructed be it the APA, MLA, HARVARD or any other style.

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