10 Best Books for a Business Student

Books are a great way to supplement the career experience as it provides the same content as professionals, albeit passively. There are tons of books on management, business, entrepreneurship, leadership, time management, conflict resolution, among others. These books will help a student master some practical concepts as they lay their foundation to a fulfilling

  • The Art of War

10 Best Books for MBA Students - Art of War
This book by Sun Tzu is not only captivating but extremely informative. The book is considered a “cult classic” but focuses on the topics of business and life with the same determination and intelligence as a warrior mastering martial arts to subdue the enemy. The Art of War is an exceptional book on planning, organization, and strategy to avoiding confliction and dominion either in war, business or real life.

  • How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence People
Dale Carnegie’s best-selling book is packaged with timeless wisdom dating back to the Great Depression period. It is a favorite for the some of the world’s legends including Warren Buffet and brings out an understanding of how people operate to become the greatest leaders and influencers using psychological perspectives. Specifically, the book details how to overcome conflicts in day to day activities while showing inspirational intrigues that make people open up to you.

  • Strength Finder 2.0

Strength Finder 2.0

The book by Tom Rath is charming and informative. The crest point of the book is that we spent more time focusing on our flaws rather than our strengths. This book is good for students who desire to understand their strengths and how to put them into action to improve their professional life as well as their careers.

  • Reality Check

Reality Check

Guy Kawasaki brings out his entrepreneurial and venture capitalist skills into writing through this book. The book is excellent on an entrepreneurial level and personal level. In the personal level, the book details how to develop a brand, arguing the world today demands a personalized brand.

  • The Thank You Economy

The Thank You Economy

Gary Vaynerchuk discusses the importance of developing a powerful communication and association using the tools provided by technology. The word of mouth and social media are powerful tools for marketing and developing reputable brands. A business major will benefit from this book academically and professionally.

  • The Power of Broke

The Power of Broke

Daymond John explains the power of limited resources especially in starting a business. He discusses how limited resources are a competitive edge rather than liability and notes that many young entrepreneurs seldom notice this capability.

  • Talent is Never Enough

Talent is Never Enough

This book by John Maxwell shows that talent is not purely a precursor to success. There are multiple faces to success in the same way the earth comprises of numerous phenomenon coordinating to sustain life. The book identifies preparation, courage, perseverance and commitment as recipe that must be combined appropriately to deliver the success product.

  • Getting Organized in the Google Era: How to Stay Efficient, Productive and Sane in an Information-Saturated World

Getting Organized in the Google Era

This book is written by Douglas Merrill, the former CIO and VP of Engineering at Google. The book emphasizes the ways of avoiding stagnating in the era of information. For a student, the book will come in handy to prioritizing the most important things.

  • Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done

Allen David organizes the world around an individual into basic skills that involve time management, commitment, and self-control either at work or at home. These basic tenets help devise a daily to-do list that is structured to help free mental space for most important things in life. For a student, this book comes in handy.

  • The 4-Hour Workweek

The 4-Hour Workweek

This book by Tim Ferriss is a best-seller as well as a life hacker. The book documents the life of the author while attempting to find workflows and tricks such as fear setting that enhances efficiency in professional and personal life. Through the book, a student can learn many of the tricks for successfully developing a fulfilling life both within and out of school.

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